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What Black Belt Means to Me

When I think of what Black Belt means to me, I think of how far I have come since I first stepped into the dojo. I think of the people that have been there with me since the beginning and those who have joined along the way. I think of the work that has been put into the goal of achieving Black Belt, but I see it as only the beginning. To me it is a commitment to continue in martial arts, not only to improve my fighting abilities, but to expand upon how to be a better leader and to mature along the way. Black Belt is only a checkpoint in my career and there is still much more to do. It takes determination to make it to Black Belt and even more to go beyond. Karate has changed my life, gave me something to strive for, and the ability to reach for new goals. Black Belt is not the end of martial arts, as many think, but is a gateway to advanced forms and skills that are not reachable without it. A lot of training is needed to endure fifteen rounds for a Black Belt. Everyone at the dojo has helped me train and get better. I will always appreciate everything they have done for me. They have all been part of my life for around seven years and counting and have always helped and supported me. I have met many good people along the way, and this alone has gotten me more social. It has also given me the ability to handle many situations better than I ever could have. Super Winning Attitude Team (S.W.A.T) has helped me learn to teach and share skills I have learned. Karate in general has been and will be one of the best experiences of my life. Every day I come in, I know that I have a group of people pushing me to do better. To me a Black Belt is all these things together because they must happen along the way. I appreciate everything Sensei has done for me.

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