Words Matter

Ever notice that it is easier to be critical than it is to be complimentary? If you don’t believe me just look at Facebook for a few minutes. When our students are in class they make more mistakes than correct movement. It is the natural order of learning. We look for something to praise not criticize. Words matter. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”. If we need to make a correction we try to have a compliment first. Then the correction. And praise afterward. Giving praise should be done without complaining about something else unrelated to the praise.
Most kids and adults want to do things correctly and given time they will self-correct. Being critical only prolongs the learning curve and destroys self-confidence in the people you want to gain confidence, self-love, and self-esteem.
There is more than enough negative stuff in the world around us now. Praise and positive reinforcement remind people that we are on their side and like seeing them succeed. Our Academy is a positive atmosphere for people to not be judged for who they are or how well they are doing on a particular set of skills.
If we look for something we usually find it. Why not look for someone doing something well? I try to do this same positive attitude with my friends out in the world too. If you look for what you want to see you can find it. Even with folks, you don’t always agree on most things with.
Ask your kids “What do you wish I’d praise you for more?”
Don’t be the one saying nice job on washing the car, I just wish you did that well on your room.
Give the compliment, get the credit.