Our Timeline
One of the differences in our program and other "sports" is length of the timeline we spend with you. I and my staff look to spend a...
Discipline at Our Dojo
What parents like best about our program is our discipline is self-discipline. Instead of always reacting to poor behavior we set our...
Black Belt Club Kids 2018
We have a rank test every two months. We do a rotating curriculum. This two months was down fighting. By having the same subject for two...
Parental Appreciation
Everyone is gone home from the dojo now. As I do every night I'm filling out my schedule of things to do over the weekend and Monday. I...
Our Beginner System
Confidence is built on successes. So it is easy to teach confidence, just start with small attainable goals. That is why we set aside two...
Our Guiding Mission
Our guiding mission at our Academy is our commitment to our students. Our work changes lives and leads to positive change across our...
Guiding Principles
Our Guiding Principles are listed and taught to our Leadership Team. Black Belts have a shared experience with each other. We are driven...
Guiding Principles (continued)
Our guiding principles (continued) Great Classes make for Great Fun! All of our instructors are available to everyone. Only trained...
Guiding Principles
Guilding Principles We know everything depends on student satisfaction. If they are not happy we are not happy. To this end we...
New Self Defense Class!
I am teaching a 5 week self-defense class. It starts Nov. 5th. Email me at cpollman@htswireless and I will send you more information. 6...