Congratulations to our Leadership Graduates!

Congratulations to our very first Leadership Class graduates! We have had a fun, exciting, and thought provoking 12 weeks of classes. Everyone worked hard at learning to always be leaders, teammates, and warrior scholars! You all did an excellent job of moving outside your comfort zones and attempting new things with new ideas! We are very proud of all of you for completing the class!

Aiden Vargas did a marvelous job in class and was always willing to speak his mind! Congratulations Aiden!

Ali Patton was amazing in the class! She was always very encouraging toward her classmates! Congratulations Ali!

Grace Rivas was fantastic at communicating! She was always willing to lead when needed! Congratulations Grace!

Hunter Freeburg was always a positive force in class! He always had a big smile and a big heart! Congratulations Hunter!

Hunter Short was very creative and inspiring! He always worked hard and had very creative ways of viewing matters! Congratulations Hunter!

Nathan DeVaughan was always eager and inquisitive! He had was always happy to participate and ask questions! Congratulations Nathan!

Quinn Dickey was always cheerful and confident! She would always help teammates and lead when needed! Congratulations Quinn!

Victoria Stein was always positive and confident! She was always happy to speak her mind and share her thoughts! Congratulations Victoria!